WhatXup Product Updates
Olawuyi Joshua Jul 20, 2023
Newsfeed Notifications

Hello Users,

Hope this message meets you well?

We have added a full fledged email notifications for newsfeed posting for paid users. Today I will be covering these questions and provide you will full insight regarding the topic

  • What is Newsfeed?
  • How does our newsfeed algorithm works?
  • What is Newsfeed notifications?
  • How does it work?

What is Newsfeed?

Newsfeed is a web feed feature for the social network. The feed is the primary system through which users are exposed to content posted on the network. Feed highlights information that includes profile changes, upcoming events, and birthdays, among other updates. A web page or screen that updates (= changes) often to show the latest news or information. However, unlike other normal social media networks like Facebook, Instagram etc Our newsfeed tends to focus more on our user's product's update, information, gist, about their business etc. Newsfeed feature is exclusively for a paid users. Your newsfeed can be shared across popular social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, twitter, WhatsApp etc. Visitors can comment on your post, react to it etc

How does our Newsfeed Algorithm works?

It does not employ targeting of a particular categories or users, it is general. We believe this is business and anyone could need your services or products, while you post on our platform's newsfeed expect all users to see your post and they can interact with it. For instance, Where there are 50 million members on our platform with 100 million daily visitors, this simply means your single post will be exposed to them all, same goes for our newsfeed notifications

What is Newsfeed Notifications?

When you post as a paid user, our system sends email notification to all our members notifying them about a new post that might interest them, this is why you should focus more on posting interesting things about your business, products and services though by default everyone on this platform receives notification however users can opt-out of this notification as it is not mandatory. 

How does it work?

Login into your user panel, head straight to Newsfeed found by the left navigation buttons, hit the button, click on "Add Feed" button Type in your post in the What's on your mind section and upload related image (s), select schedule and pick date if only you would like to schedule your post if not hit the Save button. It is done and it is live! You can also edit, delete, or view your post by clicking on the three dot in the action section

We hope you'll love this
