WhatXup Product Updates
Olawuyi Joshua Aug 19, 2023
Coupon feature

A coupon (also promo code or voucher) is a single code that represents a discount. In the online shopping context, a coupon code is a string of computer-generated letters and numbers that a customer can enter at the checkout to receive a discount or another effect (e.g., free shipping or a bonus item). To use WhatXup Coupon feature, you must be a Paid member please upgrade your account to use this feature. Click here to see how to upgrade. If you are offering a coupon on your website, then Whatxup is a good platform to display it, let millions of our users see it and take advantage of the period and opportunity. You can easily represent your display with an image, it also goes with destination url (where customers will go to use the coupon code) and also expiry date for the code

Why should you use this feature?

1. It increases sales almost immediately

2. It is informative

3. It is seen across the platform

4. Free advertisement

5. It is listed in the coupon page

6. It is listed at the left bar in all pages of our platform

7. Easily reach your customers with ease and free

8. It takes buyers to your website or any other platforms you want

9. Easy to set up in 2 minutes

10. It allows banner and url link